Rent feast of al | From the notes of the two - Scores
Rent a feast to the introduction of the city of Ugarit (as in "field" Sumerian) was an ancient tante emma laden city held beaches - East, near the modern city of Latakia in Syria. The city was discovered by accident in 1928, and its royal palace discovered an impressive archive with hundreds of tables containing, inter alia, the Canaanite myths as told in Ugarit. Tongue Haogrtit was very much like the language tante emma laden of the Bible, and even see a local C"niv dian "Hebrew language - Phoenician.
Identity of the Canaanite gods gods known biblical Hebrew culture (such as a, Anat, Astarte, grain, visa, and father of the gods - to) shed new light on the study of the Bible, and idolatrous Canaanite religion effects on different layers biblical myth.
Of the shorter works and outgoing - unusual in the archives Ugaritic notable work "feast renting tante emma laden to" (because the works were written without titles, every translator pinning her to a different title, and - yes this work was also called "the tavern of Al prescription hangover" in the English translation tante emma laden of Pardee, "Gods gluttons perennially top" with David Amir Al rentals Feast "with Venus and Guy Darshan).
In this work the gods are not displayed superior beings and courageous tante emma laden - on the contrary - text "dare" to tell how the father of the gods, god, drank (up falling dirt of his - own), the moon (the moon) being silly and pretending to be a dog, and a concierge house trying (without success ) to restore order - and chides father of the gods, who finds his way into the underworld ("descend down"). At the end of the piece I find prescription should ease the effect of excessive drinking.
This work contains content decadent not only software but also baked literary - as opposed to texts mythological others, this work is almost entirely absent receipts ribs characteristic way - all the poetry Ugaritic, and language tante emma laden writing is also indicative of degeneration, suggesting a connection time later, possibly adjacent destruction of Ugarit itself.
Texts from Ugarit, like archeological excavations of ancient texts "institutions", numbered and cataloged, and check the catalog of the work in question is KTU.1.114. Ugaritic script was written - consonants (like subtitles, type Abg'd) tante emma laden based on a statement - from ancient cuneiform Sumerian culture. This letter was missing a score (the letter tante emma laden A, she had three different markings), and included a special mark to separate words. Like - it is all letters that do not exist in Hebrew, but there are Arabic (like the similar Healthtex Hebrew became faint and S. or D. similar D. faint and became Hebrew Z., like Attrt = Astarte, razor = concierge or Deneuve = tail ).
Current translation I used for existing translations - these subtitles David Amir and Venus and Guy preacher, as well as English translations of Pardee tante emma laden Wyatt. In addition to comparisons between the translations, I used the book "Grammar Ugaritic language" and parts of the text I chose to translate directly from the language Ugaritic, the - according to my eyes.
I tried to divide the text back ribs, similar to that biblical poetry. It ranks with the distribution does not necessarily clinging distribution as it appears in the ranks of the original - since the original distribution is arbitrary lines, and the text continued on the next line when you run out of the current row. For comparison, the original version presented at the Ugaritic post new translation.
The original board included 31 lines, of which 28 concerned the plot itself, and three which contained the prescription drug against the effects of a hangover. Fragmentary lines 23-27, of which 24-25 completely fragmented and the rest partially fragmented. The missing parts [these brackets] paying for - my own, wanting to show the whole work, even if not perfect authenticity - and - although tante emma laden I tried to preserve the spirit tante emma laden of the mythological text, does not mean that this is necessarily what is written in the original text has been lost without - again .
"Prepare Pan dog meat? Live - Dogs [1] - Meat - Shoulder?"
Brought together contributions Oil - Olive [11], and the sooner the better.
15. Site [A.] To. Becomes apparent that there. In Mrzhh
30th., And the head. Jam., And Sarah
Acquisition of unification. Dummy for catalyst. Mink Bibliography David Amir - gods and heroes - tales found in Ugaritic Canaanite, pp. 118-120, 137, 167-168, 204, Ussishkin, Regional Institute of Nature and History (Th 1987). Nga and Guy Darshan - Canaanite mythology, pp. 47, Map Publishing - light (Thu Tss"t, 2009). Daniel Sivan - Grammar tante emma laden Ugaritic language, pp. 181-200, tante emma laden Bialik Institute, Jerusalem, and the publishing of Ben - Gurion University of the Negev, Second printing (the 'Law, 2005). tante emma laden Dennis Pardee - Ritual and Cult at Ugarit, pp. 167-170, Society of Biblical Literature, tante emma laden Atlanta (2002). Nick Wyatt - Religious Texts from Ugarit, pp. 412-413, Sheffield Academic Press, 2 nd edition (2002). KJ Cathcart and WGE Watson - Weathering a Wake: A Cure for Carousal. A Revised Translation of Ugaritica V Text 1, pp. 43-48, PIBA 4 (1980).
[2] a legendary figure with a duplicate name (similar in shape - and Hassis, skilled and smart, also called Smart Deaf - building a palace of Baal and creates bow of Akat vine - and agar, agent of the owner, tante emma laden Nichl - and Eve, the goddess of orchards and wife of Lord Moon and others ). Some identify the biblical name innuendo cities of Nablus and was sleeping, but his role in the story is to load into (on the back).
[4] to the description of the form of a bull. Other translations attribute the title "horned and tailed" learning around that "snitch" on to, or mocking him - however, the description of the horned and tailed sound like a description of the appropriate identity of al-treating (and this is indeed one of its contours), and I think the non - learned may that the verb "We've tripled" dian teaching closer L"nfel "or" old ".
[5] original huh
Rent a feast to the introduction of the city of Ugarit (as in "field" Sumerian) was an ancient tante emma laden city held beaches - East, near the modern city of Latakia in Syria. The city was discovered by accident in 1928, and its royal palace discovered an impressive archive with hundreds of tables containing, inter alia, the Canaanite myths as told in Ugarit. Tongue Haogrtit was very much like the language tante emma laden of the Bible, and even see a local C"niv dian "Hebrew language - Phoenician.
Identity of the Canaanite gods gods known biblical Hebrew culture (such as a, Anat, Astarte, grain, visa, and father of the gods - to) shed new light on the study of the Bible, and idolatrous Canaanite religion effects on different layers biblical myth.
Of the shorter works and outgoing - unusual in the archives Ugaritic notable work "feast renting tante emma laden to" (because the works were written without titles, every translator pinning her to a different title, and - yes this work was also called "the tavern of Al prescription hangover" in the English translation tante emma laden of Pardee, "Gods gluttons perennially top" with David Amir Al rentals Feast "with Venus and Guy Darshan).
In this work the gods are not displayed superior beings and courageous tante emma laden - on the contrary - text "dare" to tell how the father of the gods, god, drank (up falling dirt of his - own), the moon (the moon) being silly and pretending to be a dog, and a concierge house trying (without success ) to restore order - and chides father of the gods, who finds his way into the underworld ("descend down"). At the end of the piece I find prescription should ease the effect of excessive drinking.
This work contains content decadent not only software but also baked literary - as opposed to texts mythological others, this work is almost entirely absent receipts ribs characteristic way - all the poetry Ugaritic, and language tante emma laden writing is also indicative of degeneration, suggesting a connection time later, possibly adjacent destruction of Ugarit itself.
Texts from Ugarit, like archeological excavations of ancient texts "institutions", numbered and cataloged, and check the catalog of the work in question is KTU.1.114. Ugaritic script was written - consonants (like subtitles, type Abg'd) tante emma laden based on a statement - from ancient cuneiform Sumerian culture. This letter was missing a score (the letter tante emma laden A, she had three different markings), and included a special mark to separate words. Like - it is all letters that do not exist in Hebrew, but there are Arabic (like the similar Healthtex Hebrew became faint and S. or D. similar D. faint and became Hebrew Z., like Attrt = Astarte, razor = concierge or Deneuve = tail ).
Current translation I used for existing translations - these subtitles David Amir and Venus and Guy preacher, as well as English translations of Pardee tante emma laden Wyatt. In addition to comparisons between the translations, I used the book "Grammar Ugaritic language" and parts of the text I chose to translate directly from the language Ugaritic, the - according to my eyes.
I tried to divide the text back ribs, similar to that biblical poetry. It ranks with the distribution does not necessarily clinging distribution as it appears in the ranks of the original - since the original distribution is arbitrary lines, and the text continued on the next line when you run out of the current row. For comparison, the original version presented at the Ugaritic post new translation.
The original board included 31 lines, of which 28 concerned the plot itself, and three which contained the prescription drug against the effects of a hangover. Fragmentary lines 23-27, of which 24-25 completely fragmented and the rest partially fragmented. The missing parts [these brackets] paying for - my own, wanting to show the whole work, even if not perfect authenticity - and - although tante emma laden I tried to preserve the spirit tante emma laden of the mythological text, does not mean that this is necessarily what is written in the original text has been lost without - again .
"Prepare Pan dog meat? Live - Dogs [1] - Meat - Shoulder?"
Brought together contributions Oil - Olive [11], and the sooner the better.
15. Site [A.] To. Becomes apparent that there. In Mrzhh
30th., And the head. Jam., And Sarah
Acquisition of unification. Dummy for catalyst. Mink Bibliography David Amir - gods and heroes - tales found in Ugaritic Canaanite, pp. 118-120, 137, 167-168, 204, Ussishkin, Regional Institute of Nature and History (Th 1987). Nga and Guy Darshan - Canaanite mythology, pp. 47, Map Publishing - light (Thu Tss"t, 2009). Daniel Sivan - Grammar tante emma laden Ugaritic language, pp. 181-200, tante emma laden Bialik Institute, Jerusalem, and the publishing of Ben - Gurion University of the Negev, Second printing (the 'Law, 2005). tante emma laden Dennis Pardee - Ritual and Cult at Ugarit, pp. 167-170, Society of Biblical Literature, tante emma laden Atlanta (2002). Nick Wyatt - Religious Texts from Ugarit, pp. 412-413, Sheffield Academic Press, 2 nd edition (2002). KJ Cathcart and WGE Watson - Weathering a Wake: A Cure for Carousal. A Revised Translation of Ugaritica V Text 1, pp. 43-48, PIBA 4 (1980).
[2] a legendary figure with a duplicate name (similar in shape - and Hassis, skilled and smart, also called Smart Deaf - building a palace of Baal and creates bow of Akat vine - and agar, agent of the owner, tante emma laden Nichl - and Eve, the goddess of orchards and wife of Lord Moon and others ). Some identify the biblical name innuendo cities of Nablus and was sleeping, but his role in the story is to load into (on the back).
[4] to the description of the form of a bull. Other translations attribute the title "horned and tailed" learning around that "snitch" on to, or mocking him - however, the description of the horned and tailed sound like a description of the appropriate identity of al-treating (and this is indeed one of its contours), and I think the non - learned may that the verb "We've tripled" dian teaching closer L"nfel "or" old ".
[5] original huh