jjgangsoy I am a curious principal at a middle school in Kongsberg municipality, and I'm very fond of Norwich City, new knowledge and proper use of digital tools. Collaboration with committed and knowledgeable people do I also greatly appreciated. Among other things, I have helped to establish a vocational school for girls in Kakamega, Kenya and I have tried me as NORAD's educational alibi for a mobile music project in Palestine. I blog to change the world for the better. View my complete algoritam zagreb profile
This is a summary of my thesis that described a strategy for the introduction of 1: 1 iPad in their own school. The strategy be implemented in two weeks in 2014: Key characteristics of an outstanding algoritam zagreb school is high quality teacher collaboration at the school, and high quality of classroom management, control of learning, feedback and pedagogical / didactic methods in the classroom. A good teacher is a teacher who has high quality of the aforementioned variables and it will have greater learning effect for students, if we adopt the digital opportunities while changing educational structures in the classroom. The good teacher is the single most important factor for student learning. When it comes to teaching methods, we simplified say part of the debate in School-Norway about what is the good teacher is about teachers using blackboard, chalk and textbooks algoritam zagreb of the paper is old, but teachers using smart board, PC and Electronic books are forward-looking. This surface perspective of what contributes to improved learning for students has led many schools are filled with computers, projectors and smartboarder, but most teachers structures still teaching in the same way as before they were implemented digital algoritam zagreb tools in the classroom.
It is therefore important to keep in mind that the tools a teacher uses not alone determines whether the teacher is good or bad. Digital tools provide more opportunities to improve algoritam zagreb student academic learning than analog tools, because the proper use of tools liberator time and improves student learning production, while the digital classroom is extended to the whole world. This means that in the classroom to the good teacher that uses digital tools is the potential for student learning higher algoritam zagreb than in the classroom of a good teacher who uses blackboard, chalk and textbooks of paper. Our school's strategy to improve student learning is to create procedures so that teacher collaboration is a catalyst for success when we introduce 1: 1 iPad. This means that both team meetings and staff meetings should be linked more closely on student learning algoritam zagreb and implemented so that teachers together to develop a new teaching practices with new structures in the classroom.
Teacher Collaboration with high quality is characterized by having teachers focus on student learning, is concerned with learning outcomes and that they collectively examine algoritam zagreb each other's algoritam zagreb teaching. A general view is that teacher collaboration with high quality in itself leads to school is a learning organization. The concept of a learning organization is problematic because a teacher cooperation of high quality does not automatically lead to increased pupil learning. It means that we must develop a learning partnership with high quality and at the same time connect this collaboration to student learning in the classroom. We will not be a learning school, but a problem-solving school there procedures in schools contributes to teachers' teaching practices evolve, so that school development is an organizational responsibility that does not stand or fall on individual teachers.
What we do to improve the quality of teacher collaboration is to increase the precision level of the weekly payroll and team meetings so that there is a clear link between teacher collaboration and student academic learning. This means that the meetings should be sharpened towards student learning algoritam zagreb much more than today, and the meetings will hang together. The two meetings will be divided so that only one face is used for practical information and tasks, while the second meeting will be a specialist meeting. This means that the current team meeting is a meeting where practical challenges of everyday clarified. Today's staff meeting will be converted into a facility meeting where the teachers have time to discuss pupils' learning and their subject, because all the practical problems of everyday life is taken out of the meeting and moved the team meeting. When teachers are on course / continuing education, they will have the opportunity to discuss and share the knowledge they have acquired in the first specialist meeting after the course. Then they can try out in the classroom what they believe will lead to increased learning for our students, observe each other and evaluate the next specialist meeting what will work continues.
Simplifying somewhat, we can say that there are two directions for the use of digital tools in the school of the future. On the one side we have Michael Fullan and those who argue that the current algoritam zagreb structures of classroom and timetable must be removed and replaced with floating structures algoritam zagreb for exploiting the digital learning potential. It is difficult to understand what this is, but the digital will have a fre