Sunday, July 13, 2014

- SSW SSW 4: Always Be Stronger. Sportpark Seaport Avenue, Seaport Lane 5, Dordrecht. Tel. 078-6181

Initial cineplex nicosia classification Season 2013/2014 | Sunday Amateurs
The initial classification for the coming season 2013/2014 has been announced. Due to our strong performance last season, we not only become third Sunday, but we will play in a heavier class than last season. Wondering what turns up. Twice we need to take action against Dordrecht team once against a team from Gorinchem and eight times against Brabant. It threatens to be a dangerous cineplex nicosia season. So we need a time to sports Shoot The angle and once to sports Shoot The Mountain. cineplex nicosia Being careful. Several teammates and guest players are in full preparation for the start of the season. Papendrechts finest, Mr. A. van Toor, is particularly active on the bike.
- SSW SSW 4: Always Be Stronger. Sportpark Seaport Avenue, Seaport Lane 5, Dordrecht. Tel. 078-6181237, home games starting time: 10:30. Dress: black and white. In sports Seaport Boulevard is an artificial turf and natural grass.
- GSC / 5 ODS GSC: Happiness Birds Stadspolders Combination, ODS: Exercise Does Strokes. Sportpark Stadspolders, Groenezoom 50, Dordrecht. Tel. 078-6140223, home games starting time: 12:30. GSC / ODS has an artificial pitch.
- Be Ready 5 The Shooting Sports Park Corner, Kurenpolderweg cineplex nicosia 15, Hank, Werkendam municipality. . Tel: 0162-402653, home games starting time: 11:00. Kit: Shirt: yellow pants: black stockings: yellow.
- DVVC 4 DVVC: Dong Armenian football Concordia. Sportpark Dong Kant, Sportlaan 4 Dongen. cineplex nicosia Tel: 0162-314832, starting time home games:. 10:00. Kit: Shirt: vertically striped cineplex nicosia green-white pants white stockings: green.
- OVV '67 5 OVV: Oosteindse football. Sportpark Owls Donck, Tannery 39, Oosteind, city of Oosterhout. Tel. 0162-431532, home games starting time: 10:00. Kit: Shirt: yellow pants: black stockings: yellow.
- TSC TSC 8: Tavenu - Sparta Combination. Tavenu: Until Pleasant Leisure and Useful Uitspanning. Sportpark De Warande, Warandelaan 10-14, Oosterhout. Tel. 0162-454260, home games starting time: 10:00. Sportpark De Cours has two artificial and two natural grass pitches and a wetraveld. Kit: Shirt: blue pants: white stockings blue.
- Irene Irene Sportpark 4 '58 '58, Rider Track 21, The Woods, city of Oosterhout. Tel. 0162-451006, home games starting time: 10:00. cineplex nicosia Kit: Shirt: orange pants: white stockings: orange.
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