Monday, February 24, 2014

Blog contents Chronicles Of A Collector 2010. Blogger Theme by Nymphont.

Series: Good Smile Racing Manufacturer: Good Smile Company Artist: Sakurako Ishinaga & redjuice Price: 72 on the release Release Date: 2011/05/30 Specifications: Standard, there are counterfeits I'll be back with a review of a recent acquisition (there 'it is for me to be consistent with the blog post) I speak not of a piece recently released (in fact it was released almost a year ago) but I've always "envy" but which for various reasons I could not buy the time of its release. In Italy the price at which it stood at trusted stores, was around 90 and I do not think it was worth the expense. I managed to make it my own, thanks to a member of MFC (Ashlotte) who had decided to dispose of her in a really great price, so for only 58 including shipping gsc malaysia from America, became a part of my collection. Let's move on to the description. the box is beautifully finished in sile strutturanta and classic, with a large front window to show the figures, one side and one on top. On the back and sides has photos of figures including the sketch which came to life.
The figures are included in the typical protective plastic. We find in addition to the statue itself, its base (black with no frills, the surface of which recalls the effect sfalto) and accessories to add them.
The figures I find it very well done. On the effect of the contrast between the mat paints used for clothes, socks and sleeves, and the skin and hair rendered with opaque paint and pastel colors were well laid out, with no rough or gritty parts. I like the look and most of all "adult" that was given to miku, always depicted as a child / teenager, but here it has a more mature face, and tails are made more "ends" than is usually done. The face as I said, is perhaps the winning side of the figures, divinely made. The only sore point is the balance that the base can not give the figures perfectly. gsc malaysia After a few seconds from having the installation, gsc malaysia you notice that the figures are a little loose from the base and tends to overreach forward. It did not cause the fall of the statue, but that assumes the pose is unnatural and unpleasant in my opinion. To remedy I had inserie shims under the feet of the statue to keep it straight.
In conclusion: On this figure I have heard many conflicting opinions, there are those who love and those who hate it deeply. I personally think it's a good piece, nothing spectacular but it does have its strengths. Of course at full price or the price at which it was sold in Italy I would never have bought it, but the opportunity that happened to me was worth the expense. I want to tell you that this figure has been widely copied, and many are commercially bootleg. To help you figure out whether you are dealing with a copy or the original (but here the difference is really gsc malaysia great) I leave you some pictures (not mine) of the bootleg, you can easily compare gsc malaysia with my picture above.
In my little corner ..! This blog has been reborn as a purpose to talk and share my passions as collectors, ie Figures Japanese gsc malaysia and non-Disney Pins and Monnaie De Paris Disnayland. If you are interested, leave a comment!
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Nemophobia gsc malaysia doctor of 23 years in computer science, a lover from an early age of collections now devoted to figures and collaterally to other Disney-themed collections. He has a passion for unnatural tricks, stuffed animals and everything that even remotely reminds disneyland paris. View my complete profile
Blog contents Chronicles Of A Collector 2010. Blogger Theme by Nymphont.

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