Sunday, February 16, 2014

The official presentation of the GSC latinense was able to recall an event at the cozy Hotel Europa

The official presentation of the GSC latinense was able to recall an event at the cozy Hotel Europa Latina institutional authorities and sports towns, catering trailers insiders and fans of cycling for to officially launch the new vintage racing association of Arthur Pope, Antonello Dolo, Mark Caruso in the role of team manager, Alberto Antonio Ziantoni Astolfi and athletic directors in the role of young boys engaged in the categories rookies (6) and students (9).
"When catering trailers you move the sport in Latin America, catering trailers followed by the movement of young people - said the Mayor of Latin Giovanni Di Giorgi - and it is an important catering trailers sign in a sport such as cycling, or a piece of our history of Italy. I hope that these guys can come out of a future champion. We live in a time when the sport has enormous difficulties from the economic point of view and all the events related to doping: my hope is to enrich the sporting history of our city by growing young people with good values and with an excellent lifestyle ".
"I thank the reality Wines Fantini-Selle Italy and GSC latinense who are striving today to encourage cycling and sport in our province - said with a touch of pride the Honorable Gina Cetrone, again nominated for the Regional Council of Lazio at the next general election -. Without entrepreneurial activity, therefore the sports can not leave. Cycling is a sport very familiar thanks catering trailers to my brother who ran a bike. I tell the boys to stay with your seriousness and be yourself because the sacrifices catering trailers are made with the help of families and sporting activities also mean one healthy outlet to express themselves catering trailers and be noticed. I will give all the maximum commitment so that our province is renewed from the point of view of the construction of infrastructure and the development of new sports reality. "
The union-cycling promotion of the territory in the province of Latina is still possible thanks to the professional training of Wines Fantini-Selle Italy led by the honorary president Elvira Pagliaroli, the technical manager Luca Scinto, the general manager and press secretary Angelo Citracca Francesco Pelosi present during the presentation and who have taken the concept several times in the course of their work, on an as youth activities give more life to the cycling movement in the wake of the recent and very successful experience of Befanata Yellow Fluo-(in reference to the color of the uniform of the team) in Sabaudia on the occasion of the withdrawal in the first week of January. On that occasion were many young, first-timers and students of the province and the region that have had the opportunity to live and learn to stand alongside the professionals of the team led by the leader Matteo Rabottini, Oscar Gatto, Mauro Santambrogio, Francesco Beans and "evergreen" Stefano Garzelli.
"In New York we go back very happy - he wanted to emphasize Luca Scinto catering trailers - because we can prepare ourselves well on uncongested roads and with a climate truly exceptional. From youth categories catering trailers it starts with cycling and this is the message that I want to throw institutions to help the teams, nurseries catering trailers and they are also a good reason to enhance your territory. If you are the professional teams, is also an incentive for the sports movement and not just local. I address the boys to take up the sport as fun and entertainment when you are still young. You have to do things with ease: take example from me that I did not win many races at the beginning of my career. "
The words of Shinto, were added those of Elvira Pagliaroli, promoted an initiative to place the attention of the cycling world of sport involving the business community in the province pontine and not just "I feel personally responsible for having brought catering trailers the cycling in this beautiful and beloved land because the pontine Wines Fantini-Selle Italy is a great team with great leadership and above all the runners are an example catering trailers for young people. I appeal catering trailers to entrepreneurs of our province to stay close to the kids who want to run. I thank the team manager of the GSC latinense Marco Caruso for having accepted the invitation in this presentation today because the kids need us and we can give them a straight path. "
The enthusiasm that reigns in the house GSC latinense shows that this company has a solid foundation on which to build in the present and a great future, a concept with which it is intended to express the team manager Caruso, president-elect catering trailers of the Federciclismo Latin: "A big thank

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