Monday, February 17, 2014

Variable: 646-007183 UCAC4 Coordinates: 01 53 59.74 +39 08 16.3 Period: 0.347364 days (about 8.3 ho

The analysis of the captured houston food trucks frames during two observing nights dedicated to the asteroid 3905 Doppler has allowed us to identify the variability of two stars in the constellation Andromeda, through the tool "Variable Star Search" implemented houston food trucks in MPO Canopus.
These are two eclipsing variable stars of type Wuma whose components houston food trucks ellipsoidal, distorted by the action of gravity, are practically in contact and immersed in a common envelope. The two stars rotate as if they were a single body, showing one another always the same face. For those wishing to enjoy a free software simulation of these systems I recommend to visit these two sites:

Variable: 646-007183 UCAC4 Coordinates: 01 53 59.74 +39 08 16.3 Period: 0.347364 days (about 8.3 hours) Width: 00:42 May VSX AAVSO: . oid = 358954 & top
Perhaps you might also like ... The synchronous binary asteroid: 3905 Doppler
Lorenzo Franco has published 10 articles Lorenzo Franco, born in Mount St. Angelo (FG), is fond of astronomy always, so as to achieve a degree in Astronomy at the University of Bologna. He lives in Rome and works in the field of 'Information Technology ... page author
I am pleased houston food trucks and honored to be part of this forum, houston food trucks which is the venue of jovial and cheerful insouciance, but also where you meet people like you, and deserves all my respect and our appreciation. Thank you and congratulations! houston food trucks With esteem. Mark
Thank you guys ... but do not completely agree. I assure you that there is nothing extraordinary in what I do. Just take a fairly dense star field for six to eight hours, and definitely something jumps out. Maybe it's already been discovered variable stars or maybe variables not yet known. The tools for doing this are all over the internet and free. For the photometric analysis and the identification of the variables you can use "C-MUNIPACK" at this link. To access information about stellar catalogs the source is VizieR Service at this link. For information on variables and so the source is the 'AAVSO at this link. It 'important to have already solved all the problems typical of' astrophotography as: stationary telescope, guiding, calibration of the raw images with dark and flat. Who does astrophotography can easily switch to search. The sky is filled with objects that move and that vary in brightness ... enough to have an eye to understand and interpret what is observed. Hello everyone Lorenzo Franco
Last update. Today at 15:05 UTC
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Latest observations of the asteroid binary synchronous: 3905 Two new Doppler houston food trucks variables in the constellation Andromeda Asteroid: PHA (163 249) 2002 GT Asteroids: the magnitude and phase of light fun Archeoastronomy Categories (12) Articles (7) Astrophysics (84) Astronautics houston food trucks (10) Bioastronomy houston food trucks (10) Sky of the Month (91) Cosmology (69) Constellations (57) Curiosities (57) Eclipse (17) Galaxies (17) Interviews (14) Mathematics (8) Remarks (79) Planet Earth (83 ) Extrasolar Planets (10) Stories (142) Reviews (16) Science @ NASA (123) Solar System (68) Space Probes (25) Virtual Tours (10) Advertising
Our authors Vincenzo Zappala (972) Stephen Simoni (473) Pierluigi Panunzi (229) Gabriella Bernardi (75) Francesca Version (42) Hugh Ercolani (30) Lorenzo Franco (10) Red Hanuman (7) David Lamperti houston food trucks (7) Roberta D 'Addazio (6)
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