Sunday, September 21, 2014

about and around used catering trailers curating (7) art (7) artist (2) artists (6) curators used ca

Ovaj blog ima za cilj da omogući publici used catering trailers javno praćenje procesa stvaranja umetničkih radova i izložbi, a time i put od kreativne do tehničke realizacije koja će biti predstavljena na festivalu Mikser 2013. u Beogradu. Vizuelni umetnički program Kustosiranje: doživljaj u pokretu će biti otvoren od 28.05. do 02.06. u periodu od 18 do 04 časova u ulicama Travnička i Braće Krsmanović u Savamaloj. This blog has a purpose of enabling audience used catering trailers to have a public insight into the process of developing and making artistic works and exhibition, from its creative to technical realisation, which will be presented at Mikser festival 2013 in Belgrade. Visual artistic programme About and around curating: thrill in movement will be open from 28th May till 2nd June between 6 PM and 4 AM in Travnička and Braće Krsmanović used catering trailers streets at Savamala.
Juče je, posle prethodnog dana nezgoda i odlaganja, otvoren Marikin rad za publiku koji nosi naziv „Plutajući svetovi“. Pored rada „Put svile“ Nemanje used catering trailers Čađe, i Marikin rad je fiksiran što se ispostavilo kao sjajna karakteristika. Naime, kako su vremenske prilike bile nepovoljne, ostali radovi su prebačeni u magacin gde su izloženi „tik“ uz bazar i koncertnu binu, dok je Marikin rad je ostao napolju, blizu mosta, gde čak i pruža zaštitu prolaznicima od kiše.
Od velike pomoći bila je volonterka Dragana Ljubenović koja je pomagala u postavljanju instalacije. Ona nadgleda postavku i upoznaje posetioce sa njenim sadržajem . Timski rad se i u ovom slučaju pokazao kao najplodonosniji, a i najzanimljiviji.
Yesterday , the day after the accidents and postponing the opening, Marika's work, entitled " Floating Worlds ", was opened for the public . Like the artwork " Silk Road" by Nemanja Cadjo, Marika’s work is also fixed which turned out to be a great feature . In fact, as the weather was unfavorable , other artworks were transferred to the warehouse where they were set close to the bazaar used catering trailers and the concert stage , while Marika's work remained outside, near the bridge , where it even protects passersby from the rain . T he volunteer Dragana Ljubenović was o f great help, she assisted used catering trailers in setting up the installation. She oversees the setting and introduces visitors to its content . Teamwork in this case, proved to be most fruitful , and very interesting .
Zvanična lektorka / official lector: Snežana Stanković (kliknite na tim da pratite njihove aktivnosti / click of the team button to follow their work)
about and around used catering trailers curating (7) art (7) artist (2) artists (6) curators used catering trailers (7) dokumentaristi (4) exhibition (5) floating worlds (2) izložba (8) kamion. truck (1) konkurs (2) kustosi (5) kustosiranje (9) marika troili (4) mikser festival (14) mladi (1) narandže (2) oranges (2) Panic box (2) picture (1) plastic (2) plastika (2) plutajući svetovi (2) postavka (4) proces (8) roles (5) saopstenje (1) setting (6) studenti (1) swedish artist (2) team 1 (2) tim 1 (3) tim 2 (10) tim 3 (3) tim 4 (1) tim 5 (2) tim 6 (1) tim 7 (4) uloge (3) umetnica (2) umetnost (5) water (2)
►  2014 (1) ►  February (1) ▼  2013 (49) ►  June (8) ▼  used catering trailers May (41) TIM #4 / TEAM #4 Tim #1 Postavka used catering trailers i izložba/ Team #1 Installing the ... I...počelo je! / started! Tim 5 na 3 lokacije/ The Team 5 at 3 locations Slika vredi više od hiljadu reči / A picture is wo... TIM #4 / TEAM #4 Plutajući svetovi / Floating worlds Postavka rada Panic box! / Setting of the art work... Tim #7 Kontejner je stigao! / Team #7 The containe... Tim #7 Priprema i potraga / Team #7 The preparatio... TIM #4 / TEAM #4 Poslednje pirpreme pred postavku, biranje i narudž... postavljanje "Puta svile" / setting of the art wor... 5 za tim 5 / 5 for the Team 5 postavka rada tima 3 / setting of the work of team... Tim #1 Kamiončići su stigli! / Team #1 The trucks ... Tim #7 Plutajući svetovi/ Team #7 Floating worlds Tim #1 Sastanci, predavanja, upoznavanja / Team #1... Kafa sa tehničarom/ Coffee with the technician TIM #4 / TEAM #4 akcije tima 3 / actions of the team No. 3 TIM #4 / TEAM #4 Panic box! Gotova animacija :) / Panic box! Anima... Potreban frizer! used catering trailers /We need a hairdresser! Tim 5 Inspiracija: Harmsovi used catering trailers Slučajevi/ Inspiration... putesestvije u Batajnicu / trip to Batajnica TIM #4 / TEAM #4 Jedan sasvim uobičajen obilazak kamiona gradske či... Tim 7 / Team 7 hello Odlazak kod jorgandžije / Going to the quilt maker... Prvi susret svih članova tima 1 i predstavljanje i... Tim 6 prvi put na okupu / Team No.6 first time tog... Subota popodne u Mikser House-u, Amalija,Tanja i N... Prvi susret tima 5 / The first meeting of the Team... Počeci druženja tima br. 2 / The beginnings of tea... Novi susret tima 3 - pretvaranje sobe u kameru ops... Prvi susret tima 3 / The first meeting of the Team... Proces rada i okvir i format izložbe / Work in pro... Odabrani timovi / Selected teams Javni konkurs za učestvovanje / Open call for part...

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