Sunday, September 7, 2014

In total, the original promoter or artist will get 20 euros 14.88 euros. That is money you get from

Gold and mire: Are for tickets to concerts? | Efe Eme
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"The players know what it takes to organize a gig, they know right now riding a concert is to walk a tightrope without a net, they know how difficult it will be to square the income statement if minimum ticket is not sold " starting a food truck
At the thought, increasingly widespread, the price of concert tickets is expensive, Juan Puchades breakdown costs involved in organizing a concert. We anticipate the conclusion: no, tickets are not particularly expensive.
(Economic, but also artistic and sentimental) devaluation of the disks has dragged the music itself: whether sound recordings are not worth anything, it has made musical no longer valid, or at least very low prices. It's something I saw coming, but those affected did not react in time, they were not involved in the defense of their own and now, in times of widespread starting a food truck famine, strictly pay the consequences. The worst is that history repeats itself: if appellant was once heard that one of "the discs are very expensive", starting a food truck it is now common to read comments on social networks about how expensive they are concert tickets. starting a food truck When I see these reviews, I wonder, is expensive compared to what? With a coffee, a movie ticket, a supper, a gin and tonic, with the entry of a football starting a food truck game, with a liter of fabric softener with a pair of brand with a ticket a car with a floor with a balloon?
I imagine musicians overwhelmed when reading comments on the price of tickets for his upcoming concert in city X ... because they know what it takes to organize a gig, they know right now is riding starting a food truck a concert walk a tightrope without a net, they know how difficult it will be to square the income statement if at least it does not sell tickets. They know, who laments that an entry is expensive, no, he has no idea of the costs involved to take forward a concert. In case you're curious (and without charging anything), here's a very real numbers a night concert in your city approach:
We will develop this course starting a food truck with an entry that has a price of 20 euros for the performance of a group composed of five musicians. That is, a rock and roll, so to speak. And good, professional at what he does for years, with road travel, a few songs under his belt and now they have to deal in small rooms. It can also be a group that resists and tries to pull his head, with two or three albums to his credit.
The first thing to know is that the final price of an entry have to wild deduct 21% VAT. So those 20 euros 3.47 euros there take the state agency (not playing that night, but had to provide a machinery of inconsiderate proportions, the way things are). Your input VAT, cost 16.53 euros.
In total, the original promoter or artist will get 20 euros 14.88 euros. That is money you get from each entry which you paid 20 Suppose 300 tickets, starting a food truck which are sold multiplied by 14.88 for a total of 4,464 euros. That number is going to handle the artist.
The costs for renting a room with a capacity for about 300 or 400 people (and we think local fare where the public stands) come to be 300 euros (the number can range between 200 and 500, depending on the city and it is requested that the room. O between 1000 and 3000 if we go

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