Thursday, September 25, 2014

Some of my photos in audiovisual works Well Equipment Well Videafilm in spectacles Mounts (Shows an

Some of my photos in audiovisual works Well Equipment Well Videafilm in spectacles Mounts (Shows and Audiovisual) Different events gsc my and shootings in which I participated as luminotécnico Photos of friends
Music Playlist gsc my at Blog Well Diaz / Videafilm by Ben Diaz is licensed gsc my under the Creative Commons Recognition-In Commercial 3.0 Spain License. Based on a work at Permissions Beyond the scope of this license may be available at
All sections NEWS What "was" Videafilm? (Castellano) Mounts luminotecnia audiovisual Curriculum, equipment and own portfolio Movilízate! Mounts luminotecnia spectacular editorials Literature PLANET NAMEC Links SL official Videafilm (Friends) Official Blog "boar Films" (Friends) Personal blog Santi Diaz (Friends) Personal gsc my Blog Israel Nava (Friends) Personal blog Javi Camino ( Friends) Personal blog Marcos Nine (Friends) Personal gsc my blog mincinho (Friends) Myspace band DISPLAY OF POWER (Friends) Official Website Amen Cinema (Friends) personal Web Anton Davila (Friends) personal Web Luis Santiago (Ben Diaz) Coil Documentary Ben Diaz (Ben Diaz) Coil Fiction Ben Diaz (Ben Diaz) Short Film: "La Línea" (Ben Diaz) Lighting of the show "Live it Verano" CyL TV (Ben Diaz) Homepage in (Ben Diaz) Homepage in (Ben Diaz) Personal gsc my page at IMDB (Ben Diaz) Homepage at AVG (Ben Diaz) Homepage in Audiovisual Agency (Ben Diaz) Teaser "Radiography an author of comics" (Planet Namec) Corporate Pézcalo (Planet Namec) Facebook Page (Planet Namec) Twitter page (Planet Namec) Official (Videafilm) AGLP: Inaugural Sessâo (Videafilm) personal youtube channel (Videafilm) Short Film: "The Siege" (Videafilm) Direct: Dios Ke Te Crew (Videafilm) Direct: Machina (Videafilm) gsc my personal page on AVG (Videafilm) gsc my Teaser "in the open" (Videafilm) Teaser documentary "VIZ" (Videafilm) Trailer "market economy" (Videafilm) gsc my Trailer "The award of Rubia" ( Videafilm) Video of Faltriqueira "Bodice appealing" (Videafilm) Video of Grasa "Karthikeyan" (Videafilm) Video of Usher "Trasmontana" (Videafilm) gsc my Video of Usher "Come dance Carmine" (Videafilm) Video of Marful "Pasadoble Universal "(Videafilm) Video Tab" Amigos del Genre human "(Videafilm) Zënzar: Interview" Follow gsc my ... go ahead and "Part 8 of 14 (Videafilm) Zënzar: Video" In the studio "(Videafilm) Zënzar: gsc my Video" The godfather "(Videafilm) Zënzar: Video" I had a Bar "all acoustic RSS / News / What" was "Videafilm? (Castellano) / Mounts luminotecnia audiovisual / Curriculum, equipment and own portfolio / Movilízate! / Mounts luminotecnia gsc my spectacular / editorials / Literature / PLANET NAMEC SL
Through the radio started in this music. gsc my Day after day she sat in the library of my father, aillándome the world, worsening the ear to listen carefully to the device that was magical for me. I never defraudaba. Time after time kept hanging this music absolutely teledirixida, bombed every half hour, you just picked up what they called "sales success", claims he never knew it housed some kind of true base, since they were never verified than by themselves . But I liked. Enjoyed while employed miseries that was among the lapiceiros the house to buy some other "cassette" magnetic only in electronic store of the town, and apuraba time to achieve capture on tape every song from the beginning. I remember those times with a smile, as if it were the muffins Proust, and I think what harm would a guy like me to record those tapes, as my sisters, and before them, my uncles, recorded vinyls that fell into their hands. Often joined did not give money to the tapes, but if they managed to reach zeal, so searched carefully among the boxes and always gsc my found some old tape original zarzuela gsc my that put on a little done to convert gsc my in rewritable. And who does not! Sometimes the pileup caught tapes and mounted gsc my a good mess, but no matter, it was enough for a Bic pen recomposing. And so, again and again, recorded on the same tape, until at the end it was almost impossible to recognize them themes. Finisterre was not in record stores or department stores where purchase them, but from time to time parents (and especially sisters) brought the odd CD, style Michael Jackson or The Beatles, and it did not fit the joy that I entered. Pe

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