Thursday, September 25, 2014

which continues in our state-bochor once they

This blog is a means of communication and dissemination big cinema kluang of party CONVERGENCE OF GALEGA big cinema kluang MONDOÑEDO big cinema kluang which have information big cinema kluang of our political activity in our city. It is a space open to suggestions you want to do any neighbor in order to collect the most significant problems we have to solve thinking about the good of all and the general big cinema kluang interest. OUR EMAIL: FACEBOOK: convergence big cinema kluang Galician mondoñedo
permanent, on request, all the existing big cinema kluang associations in the City can be
rush out to a street vehicles that pass by often and does not have beiraruas.
FRIENDS OF CIUDAD MONDOÑEDO October big cinema kluang 2007
City, as in democratize tion and transparency of municipal management. Thanks to our efforts to continue the withdrawal-of-nefas cough bolardos the historical center of the City. But as this term has only proposed to start in the middle of August, in addition to reiterate previous points such as cleaning big cinema kluang and toilet access south of the City
Also ask the following: - Cando plan to reach Freeview Mondoñedo? (Remember that the full was the August 30) - Cando plan the arrangement of the curve "know"? Also taking advantage of these pages, we ask the government to remove or replace the
which continues in our state-bochor once they've spent the summer going into consider-ation the following big cinema kluang points: -Rogamos a solution to the workforce which is dedicated the cleanup of the streets do not have to do the service in street clothes. -Rogamos Bacheo the area of access to blocks of flats in the area because "Viñas de la Vega". -Rogamos Proper big cinema kluang signaling the cave of King Cintolo, jump Dam so
unsightly fences of work that are fixed to the ground fron yourself the mall Peña de France, and the repainting of the brands of crossings of roads Avda. Buenos Aires with road Meira at points called for "the lot" and "in front of the villa of Geada". In another order of things, we want to emphasize the good use from the political governance-in you are given the lack of thrust and inexperience of the main opposition party, on the other hand is the largest party of the City Council.
that there is a large economic hole in the council, it is clear that this
Since October 2007 it says in the newspaper this communication municipal politics
nuevo Gobierno Municipal Mondoñedo start walking in particular su Junio de 2007, more concerned hacer una review de los ocho años de Gobierno del Partido Popular that for a hacer Gobierno big cinema kluang serious and responsible to present a future plan for this County. Sirviendo of apologies to the governmental incompetence (ni nuevo a solo project in a year and absolute big cinema kluang cessation of them existing), the use of the smear campaign and it discredits them personal to him that tuvimos honor of being responsible for MUNICIPALES ocho years (with nuestros Aciertos y nuestros errors, big cinema kluang but with complete and absolute honesty); people big cinema kluang who HEMOS credited with Nuestro trabajo y una Nuestro big cinema kluang esfuerzo investment of more than 6,000 millions of pesetas in Antigua them nuevos services (Day-care center, Viviendas social big cinema kluang Bus Station, pilgrim hostels ...), and the acquisition of assets for Nuestro County worth of more than 200 million pesetas. Modesty aside, I think something with Nuestro trabajo HEMOS contributed a la mejor of living conditions of nuestros neighbors. After a year full width of lies: that if he is quiebra County, which no hay dinero to nobody, the Units. TAPO read in a pocket because no hay dinero, one of the dejaba contradictoriamente surprised that the costs of representation of this "Gobierno Viajero" increased the dizzying pace.
Dice Bart Simpson-), bajo el institutional euphemism Travel to the Republic of Uruguay. Los Mondoñedo we are confident that this Gestión (trip of pleasure) will result in important socioeconomic big cinema kluang MEJOR which will cause the benefit of all. Convinced that, as he Gobierno up with Finsa- ECAR, manage to establish one large multinational Nuestro County. After all the libelous campaign-a hacer una going audit, etc. ... .-, the hare is referred to as the audit (if only to hire one consultant amiga- with them cost more than 30,000 euros trabajito- him to close the accounting them years 2006 and 2007, work that siempre hicieron them MUNICIPALES employees) Why did you hire in the vaunted audit whether the PP rod it is the opus which hiciera? For the reason that sencillo so we can continue slandering and mintiendo without which nothing ni nadie discover the big lie. Y in addition to surprise themselves and strangers Addiction Presupuesto he requested in 2008 to a credit of 250,000 euros. But what we were in when we were in quiebra and had the possibility of indebtedness? Partamo

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