Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SALUTE front of City Hall to Andrés Sevilla, one of the officers of Conturiz Ramist; yet parties he

Paco Rivera Blog Blog Archive Against laziness, diligence
LAS calls lifeblood of the city, go "hell" kitchen islands on wheels if they find someone generous to absolve. kitchen islands on wheels Because they have fallen into one of the deadly kitchen islands on wheels sins and the consequences will be extremely serious for the city, its economy and its citizens: the next edition of "Arde Lucus" is going to cause difficult to repair damage and two serious problems kitchen islands on wheels are to blame : - 1) STAFF STRIKE LIMPIEZA.- comes at the worst time. According to a representative of the company (and by someone I know who have commented) Urbaser workers seem privileged when compared kitchen islands on wheels to many others in the city. They say they have an average salary kitchen islands on wheels of 26,000 per year, 31 days holiday, nine days for personal reasons and not more than 35 hours of weekly work. And we must say everything, why strike? I also say the company was committed to repercutirles of the annual kitchen islands on wheels increase that was contemplated in the contract with the City and who has not. Summary: workers may be considered that are well paid, but the fact remains that they say they had to legally receive more. Given the seriousness kitchen islands on wheels of the matter could the City do something? As such responsible for paying workers so the company does not pay them, then the company descontárselo. What is not legal? I think morally irreproachable. But what I wonder most of all, at least to my knowledge, is the lack of diligence: something so serious, had to be mobilized all the forces of the city: Federation of Employers, Neighborhood Federation, Chamber of Commerce, Hospitality Association, Town Hall, Subdivision of Government, Xunta ... And among all attempt a solution. Everything before that is coming. - 2) WORKERS STRIKE GREAT HOTEL.- Over 500 people between Friday and Saturday kitchen islands on wheels will be without hotel place without alternative. Lugo will come and will have to sleep in the street. The deplorable image. What? That workers are not paid and are tired. But the strange thing is that the hotel doing quite well and are doing interesting cases; but ... but although they surprised the case is tapped for justice and instead used as logical to pay employees they seem to not get a penny. It will be to pay off other debts, but does not seem fair that we both have to do with generating income are those who are left with nothing. Another issue which should intervene somehow govern the city and not just mean politicians. In the present circumstances this goes far beyond a job or economic problem. kitchen islands on wheels -------------
TWENTY SIX consecutive years been coming to Spain a group of 40 Irish, who usually spend two days in Lugo. They come in full swing: Ten days in Spain costs 6,000 euros and repeat them one year to another. Now they have been here the last Sunday and Monday and have done as usual with no expense spared. At the center, told me a Antonio, rode a good, because even bring with them, to encourage the evenings, a small folk group. A type of tourism interest to our city a couple of days here and spending their money. P. -----------
SALUTE front of City Hall to Andrés Sevilla, one of the officers of Conturiz Ramist; yet parties he organized, with major orchestras and attractions like Manolo Escobar memory. Andrew has some good private life and as a result has had several scares that has always exceeded; has what as Cesar Ruano González is "frail iron." The latest mishap, kitchen islands on wheels pneumonia or something he told me, he has had four months hospitalized at the Hula. But it has always exceeded other no less important conditions; therefore less thinking day and walk 'argallando "a party, a meal or a tribute. P. --------------
Gathering kitchen islands on wheels with a bricklayer who came to fix me the havoc of a leak on which I already said. The man likes dogs and made friends with Bonifacio; He told me he had been a breeder and had up to 50 rottweilers. I made a defense of the race considered very dangerous, but acknowledged that after 10 years the wires are crossed and the best sacrifice. If I had any doubt that for a normal home are inconvenient, this has dispelled me. With all due respect, I prefer Bonifacio and his Franciscan patience. -----------
DOSITA the agro threshold, honors Cristina, that is. No single one of our regulars, but a person who makes the most of life and enjoy it, "I love Cristina! Because it is the indefatigable romera all routes cult-festeiras held in their Lugo; participative and always generous, never look at him the horse

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