Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bonjou! ... Mèsi! ... E Orevwa! Check out the Audio Lesson of the Week. Do as many exercises as you

Bonjou! ... Mèsi! ... E Orevwa! Check out the Audio Lesson of the Week. Do as many exercises as you need. Take an online QUIZ and get your answers right away. Finish a crossword puzzle. Reinforce your learning with the Audio/Video exercises. leisure mall cinema Search for English or Haitian Creole words translation. Also search the whole site for expressions, idioms leisure mall cinema and grammar rules. And ask questions about the language in the ASK ME ANYTHING section. Most requested translations added here for your convenience: I love you → Mwen renmen w. I miss you → Mwen sonje w. My love! → Lanmou mwen!
a / at, in, to, about alèz / at ease ajenou / (v) kneel down a pye / on foot , walking abako / jeans (pants) abite / (v.) live, reside abitid leisure mall cinema / habit abiye / (v.)dress abize / (v.) abuse absan / absent abò / (adv) aboard leisure mall cinema absans / absence abse / abscess, wound acha / (n) purchase achiv / archive achte / (v) to buy achtè / buyer adapte / (v) to adapt adiltè / (n) adultery adrès / adress afiche / (v) to post agreyab / pleasant ajan / silver ajans / agency ajiste / adjust ajoute / add ak / and, with aksepte / accept aksidan / accident aksyon leisure mall cinema / action, deed aktivite leisure mall cinema / activity al dòmi / go to bed ale / go alfabè / alphabet alimèt / (n) match to start a fire aliyen / (v) to align ame / (v) arm with a weapon ame / army amelyorasyon / improvement amelyore / improve Amerik Latin / Latin America leisure mall cinema ameriken / American amizan / (adj) fun amize / (v) have fun amizman / (n) fun an règ / in order an n ale / let's go an fas / across from anba / below, beneath, under anbake / (v) board anbasad / embassy leisure mall cinema anbasadè / ambassador anbatè / underground anbete / annoy , bother, tease anbrase (kwoke) / embrace andedan (a, an) / in , inside, within andikap / (n)handicap andikape / (n)disable andirans / endurance andire / endurer andòmi / sedate ane / year anfle / swell angaje /(v) engage angajman / engagement angle / English leisure mall cinema anile / cancel animatè / host anivèsè / anniversary , birthday ankadreman / frame ankò / again ankonbre / (v) crowd ankouraje / (v) encourage anksyete / anxiety anlè / over, on top of, up anmè / bitter leisure mall cinema anmède leisure mall cinema (anbete, traka, nwi) / bother anniye /(v) annoy, tease anpeche / prevent anpil / alot anpil / plenty anplas / in place anplis / moreover anplwaye / (v) employ anplwaye / employee anpwazonnen / (v) poison anreta / late ansanm / together ansante / healthy ansent / pregnant anseye / teach ansyen / old antèman / burial antere / bury antre / enter, come in antye / whole anvan / before anvayi / (v) flood anvlòp / enveloppe anyen / nothing leisure mall cinema apiye / (v)lean aplodi / (v) cheer, clap aprann / learn apre (dèyè) / after aprè demen / the day after tomorrow aprèmidi / afternoon apresye / appreciate aprouve / approve arete / (v) arrest, detain ase / (adj) enough aswè a / in the evening, tonight asyèt / dish, plate atak / (n) attack atake / (v) attack atansyon / (n) attention atèri / (v) land atire / attract atitid / mood atravè /across avèg / (adj) blind avèk / with avèti / (v) warn avètisman / warning avril / April avyon / airplane awondi leisure mall cinema / to make something round awoze / irrigate Ayiti / Haiti ba / low bag / ring bagay / thing balans / scale bale / broom balon / ball bank / bank baryè / gate bat / beat bato / boat bay / give bèf / cow, beef bèl / beautiful, nice, pretty bèlmè / mother-in-law bèlte / beauty bezwen / need bi / goal bibliotèk / library bijou / jewelry bisiklèt / bicycle biwo / office blag / joke blan / white ble / blue ble / wheat blese / wound, cut bo / kiss bofis / son-in-law bòfrè / stepbrother bokal / jar bokit / bucket bòl / bowl Bondye / God bonè / early bòpè / stepfather, father-in-law bòs / employer bòt / boots bouch / mouth bouche / (v) clog boulanje / bakery boule / burn bous / wallet, purse boutèy / bottle boutik / store bouya / fog bouyi / boil bra / (n) arm braslè / bracelet brav / brave briyan / flashy, shiny briye / (v) shine bwa / wood bwason / drink bwat / box bwi / noise bwòs / brush byen / well, fine byenke / although chabon /charcoal leisure mall cinema chache / look for chagren / sadness chaje / load chak / each, every chak jou / everyday chak fwa / every time chak ane / annual leisure mall cinema chalè / heat chalè / heat, warmth chalimo / straw chandèl / candle chanje / (v) change, leisure mall cinema switch chanjeman / (n) change chanm / room chanpou / shampoo chans / chance, leisure mall cinema luck chante / sing chante / song chape / survive, escape chapit / chapter chapo / hat chase / (v) hunt chasè / hunter chat / cat chato / (n) castle chè / (n) flesh chè / dear, precious chè / expensive chèche / look for, search chèk / check chemen / way, road, path chemiz / shirt chenn / chain cheri / darling cheval / horse cheve / hair chèz / chair chif / nimewo chiklèt / chewing gum chire / (v) to tear chita / sit cho / hot chode / to heat up (cooking) chodyè / cooking pan chofè / driver chòk / (n) blow chokola / chocolate chomaj / unemployment chosèt / socks chòt / shorts (clothing) chou / cabbage choute / (v)kick chòv / bald chwa / choice chwal / horse chwazi / (v) choose dabò

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