Tuesday, September 23, 2014

R azlike - Stvarno sunway carnival gsc volim da putujem (dobro, ko ne voli?) sunway carnival gsc i v

D ifferences - I really love to travel (well, who doesn't?) and I always love to read about different cities and cultures. But there is one particular city in the whole world where you can find all those cultures, that I would love to visit sometimes. that is actually what I really sunway carnival gsc love about New York City. All these differences, sunway carnival gsc but yet living as a one. I don't know why, I have never been there so far, but there is something in this city. It's energy that I can feel even trough the photos and makes me feel so exited!
R azlike - Stvarno sunway carnival gsc volim da putujem (dobro, ko ne voli?) sunway carnival gsc i volim da čitam o različitim gradovima i kulturama. Ali posotoji jedna posebno mjesto na cijelom svijetu na kojem se mogu naći sve te kulture, koje jako želim da posjetim. To je, ustvari ,ono što volim kada je u pitanju sunway carnival gsc New York City . Sve te razlike "žive" kao jedna. Ne znam zašto, nikada do sada nisam bila tamo, ali taj grad ima nešto posebno. Njegova energija moju mogu osjetiti kroz fotografije budi u meni različite emocije - od veoma visokog nivoa adrenalina, uzuđenosti do ( hmm... nažalost) rečenice " Gdje ja živim... !?"
     This city with population over 8 million it is actually known for its status as a center of finance and culture . Which means you can find anything for your self. With a large number of national parks such as Statue of liberty , Niagara falls and many other. sunway carnival gsc Museums, different restaurants for everyone, any kind of food, from to rooftop bars to the underground restaurants.From sunway carnival gsc the super cheap to the super expensive. It's all about what you like. In all that mess , the best way to get from point A to point B is to use subway . It's cheaper than cab, but also you'll escape crazy traffic in NY. 
      Also there is Madame Tussuad's museum of wax figures in Times Square, Empire State building observatory on the 86th floor of the landmark New York City office building., The Anne Frank museum  , Broadway sunway carnival gsc  and many, many more cultural attractions. 
     At Woodbury Common, the region's top premium outlet mall , there are 220 stores, including top brands as Balenciaga, Jimmy Choo, Burberry, Dior , Michael Kors, Prada and many more. And the best part is that discounts run from 25 % to 65 %.    sunway carnival gsc Lincoln center - I sunway carnival gsc believe favourite to many of us, where the all magic happens during Fashion Weeks. 
      And of course, you can't speak about New York and not to mention sunway carnival gsc  Central Park and Brooklyn bridge . Central park on of the largest park in the center of Manhattan. It provides visitors services at the six centers sunway carnival gsc in Park, such as Charles A.Dana Discovery Center, Belvedere Castle and etc. Brooklyn bridge sunway carnival gsc is one of the oldest and longest bridges and connects Manhattan and Brooklyn.  Well ,there is no need to speak a lot about Central Park and Brooklyn Bridge. Everybody hear about these two :) 
Minela Jusufovic November 5, 2013 at 4:46 PM
I've only been to NYC once but I loved how different it was from other places and how everyone seemed to always sunway carnival gsc be doing something or going somewhere :) xoxo -B  ♡ MsBerryStylish  Reply Delete
Lovely Post. It's my dream to visit. Would you like to follow each other via GFC, Bloglovin and G+. Please do leave a comment when you follow and i'll follow you right back. http://icynosure.blogspot.in/ Reply Delete
Divan post, divan grad... Imala sam sreću posjetiti NYC dva puta, i zaista sunway carnival gsc je "baš kao na filmu", samo još bolje! Divno si opisala-toliko različitih kultura u savršenom odnosu, da nije sličan niiti jednom drugom gradu! Od srca ti želim da ga posjetiš što prije i što više puta (a i sebi želim, bome :))!xx Reply Delete
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